Patient specific facial implants
"Patient-matched implants were one of the first great applications of 3D printing in surgery"
Maurice Mommaerts MD DMD PhD
Professor Maurice Mommaerts received his postgraduate surgical training and education in Zurich, Switzerland (for cranio-maxillo-facial surgery), in Leuven, Belgium (for head and neck surgery and oro-maxillo-facial surgery), in Miami, Florida (for plastic surgery) and in Nancy, France (for maxillo-facial and plastic facial surgery).
He obtained a doctor degree in medicine from the Catholic University of Leuven in 1984 (MD), a doctoral degree from the University of Zurich in 1990, and a doctor of philosophy degree from the University of Ghent in 2003.
With the face as his domain, he divides his interests between patient specific implant surgery (TMJ total joint replacement, AMSJI, facial contouring implants), cosmetic rejuvenation surgery, surgical correction of congenital abnormalities (such as cleft & craniofacial surgery), transgender surgery, the surgical correction of developmental facial abnormalities (orthognathic-orthofacial surgery).
Professor and head, European Face Centre - CMF department, University Hospital Brussels, Belgium
Coordinator Cleft & Cranio-Facial Team, Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel, Belgium
Co-director 3D Medical Innovations Lab, UZBrussel
Co-founder & president of the Academy for Aesthetic Facial Surgery
Honorary Member of the Sociedad Española de Cirugía Plástica Facial
Member of the Board of Directors, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Craniofacial Surgery Foundation, Hyderabad, Andrah Pradesh, India
International board member of the Indian Journal of Cleft Lip Palate and Craniofacial Anomalies, Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial surgery, Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery & Annals of Maxillofacial Surgery
International Editorial Board member of the American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery
Visiting Professor, Univercitat de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
Medical Advisory Board Member of the the Hyderabad Cleft Society
Innovation manager @ CADskills (3D print patient specific implants in CMF & hand surgery)
Post specialisations
Fellow Plastic Surgery (University of Miami)
Board-certified in Maxillo-Facial Surgery (UEMS)
Diplôme d'université de Chirurgie Maxillo-Faciale et Plastique de la Face (University of Nancy)
Medical Forensic Expert (University of Antwerp) - Medical Specialist in Insurance Medicine and Medical Expertise (Belgian Ministry of Public Health)